
How to stake your QTUM

Stake your QTUM to help secure and operate the blockchain, and earn staking yield from block rewards.

Benefits of staking

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Full Nodes

Qtum Core wallet full nodes validate all transactions and blocks. Staking QTUM in the Core wallet allows participation in Proof-of-Stake consensus and staking yield.

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Block Rewards

Block rewards consist of newly-minted 0.5 QTUM per block, 2,700 blocks a day, plus stakers also get the fees and gas for any transactions in the block they publish.

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Staking Yield

Staking yield depends on the total number of QTUM being staked. See the stake calculator for current yields and the expected time between block rewards for a given stake.

How to get started

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Online Staking

To run an online Qtum staking node, download and install the Qtum Core Wallet for Windows, Mac, Linux, or Raspberry Pi. Stake with any amount of QTUM. Video instructions, user manual

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Offline Staking

Or delegate your wallet address to a super staker and let them do the staking for a small fee. Keep full control of your coins (non-custodial*/ and receive immediate payouts for block rewards. Easy to delegate with Qtum Core or the Qtum Web Wallet. For offline staking, at least 100 QTUM are required as a single transaction. More information.

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Fund your wallet

Backup your wallet and save the password. Purchase QTUM on an exchange, deposit to your wallet, then wait for 2,000 confirmations (about 18 hours) for maturity to begin staking.


Join the Staker Community

Follow the staking links above and reach out on social media for more information and any questions.